CCA's Desk
Dipankar Mahto, Controller of Communication Accounts
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all on the website of Controller of Communication Account, Jharkhand Telecom Circle. One of the aims of this site is to develop a direct communication between the working/retired employees of BSNL under Jharkhand Circle and this office. Settlement of Pensionery benefits are of such nature that to certain extent it requires a customer-orientation. It is hoped that this site will be a forward step in this direction.
I would like to request all concerned to use this site the most. Certain pages like pensioner’s page and BSNL Working employees page are of the nature of an on-line complaint registering site. At the same time Rulings & Orders and Forms pages will be of great help for the retiring employees as well as for the units under BSNL Jharkhand Circle.
Again in the era of right to information, the pages displaying details of PPOs issued and Provisional PPOs are designed to meet the need of the hour. We are committed to keep you informed with the activities of the CCA Jharkhand.
Once again, I extend my sincere welcome and thanks. Any suggestion will be an asset for us.